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I miss Night court.
The former judge had claimed the penis pump was a gag gift from a friend for his 50th birthday. Despite eyewitness accounts, Thompson claimed he wasn’t guilty of masturbating on the bench as charged and said the local police were out to get his client because Thompson had made rulings unfavorable to them.

Thompson had turned down a plea deal pre-trial which would have spared him prison with a guilty plea to three misdemeanor counts of outraging public decency. The plea deal would also have allowed him to keep his $93,468 annual pension.

Thompson, a former state legislator, had been a judge for nearly 23 years before he retired in 2004 amid the allegations. His attorney had admitted that Thompson had purchased another penis pump after a doctor who was treating him for erectile dysfunction and other medical problems had recommended it

A Muslim juror faces a possible prison sentence after being discovered listening to an MP3 player under her hijab headscarf during a high-profile murder trial.

In what is considered the first case of its kind, the woman was arrested for contempt of court after another member of the jury passed a note revealing the indiscretion to the judge, Roger Chapple.

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