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Link & blockquote via Not Coming to a Theater Near You. Bass biography via
One is pressed to cite an example of an active, self-contained, and characteristic credits sequence in film prior to the work of Saul Bass. Undoubtedly, there are examples that presage Bass’ pioneering work; namely, the famous final credits of Citizen Kane reprise excerpts from the film, underscoring the footage with actors’ names. Likewise, overtures frequently preceded films of the ’30s and ’40s. Many of these are visually complimented by static credits, and in some cases a montage. And despite these examples, in regard to innovation, renown, and influence, Bass’ impact in credits design remains virtually unparalleled, even to this day.



See also, Block Heads...









You have to admit, a Schappell Twin American Idol audition would have made one hell of an SNL skit. Even better, how about a regualar spot on Chappelle?...Chapelle's Schappells?...The Schappellettes? Bottom line: these chicks need a new agent and I'd better quit while I'm ahead. Link via One D at a Time....
I think I'm so into anatomical abnormalities like conjoined twins because the nature of their physicality automatically brings up questions about subjects I'm particularly interested in like sex, honesty, bowel movements, and the meanings of privacy and loneliness. That said, I'm way into the Schappell twins (pictured above) for reasons beyond those I listed—which I'll get to in a minute—but let's just start with their country music video:





Had to rescale the original to fit within the dimension of the current layout. Click the image above for for the full version and/or check out Nikon's Compare & Contrast: Life, the Universe, and Everything for a much grander one...





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