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Absent: the fast food daughter & the youtube sensation...






...for a rainy day. Link & blockquote via Noupe...
Web applications have made huge leaps and bounds in improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed Ajax technology. When you combine some neat functionality courtesy of PHP with the cleverness of javascript you can produce some pretty cool results. In an effort to help you take it up a notch, we’d like to share some methods for helping your site anticipate a user’s next move.



Blockquote via Susan Moock (the older sister of a Jimmy Moock—culdsac friend I once through gravel at while waiting at the bus stop. Other fond memories include crashing through his mom's garage ceiling/attic floor Lee Majors style & channeling the force to hack through her hydrangea bushes). Link via TMZ...
I was her neighbor in Yardley Hunt, Yardley Pa. We used to play together as kids and so remember the whole auditioning process. Her mom would give us updates before she got the role, what a blast from the past! I often wondered what became of her! Glad to see she is still in the business!
Posted at 5:54PM on January 28th 2009 by Susan Moock Cooney





Via the taco...



Via wikipedia...



Best: Charlie Rose. Worst: Deborah Norville. Link via Gawker...
Ever wonder what some of your favorite television news reporters look like during sex? Gawker video guys Richard Blakeley and Nick McGlynn, along with their army of interns, have collected still frames of fifty reporters, anchors, and other TV folks giving their best "O faces." The expressions imply everything from long and luxurious moans to awkward and embarrassing early finishes. Find all 50 after the jump. The dirtier your mind, the more you'll enjoy them.



Sign of the times (and yes, it's getting that bad). Blockquote and list via Mashable...
Crude oil prices keep breaking through record high prices, and it is quickly reflecting itself at the fuel pumps. About the only thing you can do is try to find the cheapest prices, but you can waste as much in gas driving around as you will by finding it, and that’s where gas pricing location sites come in handy. Just log in and see where the best prices are, and save yourself all of that driving around. We’ve covered the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom for you, so start price hunting!



Via Stuff White People Like...
Because white tastes in shoes can change so quickly, it’s not recommended that you ever talk to a white person about shoes. Over the years they have embraced (and eventually disowned) Uggs, Birkenstocks, Earth Shoes, and most recently Crocs. If it’s popular, the chances are that the clock is ticking down to it’s imminent doom. One mention of your affinity for selected footwear could undo all of your hard work.

There is, however, one exception: New Balance running shoes. All white people own a pair! Seriously, next time you are at a casual party where guests are encouraged to take off their shoes take a look by the door at the veritable rainbow of New Balance sneakers.

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