 The Roost | Wiffle Ball Stats

Die Fischer haben es am Feuer erzählt,
da gibts ein Land in dem die Liebe regiert.
Komm mit mir, nach Papaya.
Dort wo am Horizont die Sterne uns scheinen,
Möchte ich mit dir für immer allein sein.
Folge mir, nach Papaya.

Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana
Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana
Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana
Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana

Unser Schiff kämpft sich durch Wind und Wogen,
Und Schon jetzt fühlen wir uns wie neugeboren,
Denn wir fahren, nach Papaya
Ich halt die Sehnsucht nicht mehr länger aus,
He Kaptain, volle Kraft voraus,
Bald sind wir in Papaya

Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana
Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana
Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana
Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana

Vor vielen hundert Jahren, geriet ein kleines Waisenmädchen
nach Papaya. Sie hatte nur einen - uuu-aaa - Freund, einen kleinen Vogel
der nicht von ihrer Seite wich. Da begegnete ihr ein alter
blinder Mann. Er sagte zu ihr: "Du wirst die Königin dieser
Insel sein und dafür sorgen, dass alle Menschen ob alt ob jung,
ob arm ob reich glücklich miteinander leben."
und so geschah es. Und sie benannte ihr Königreich nach ihrem
eigenen Namen: Papaya

Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana
Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana
Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana
Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana
Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana
Papaya Papaya Coconut Banana






Link & blockquote via Eclectic Micks...
Eclectic Micks are a collection of Irish professional comic book artists. They include Stephen Mooney (Angel; After the Fall), Stephen Thompson (Star Trek; New Frontier, Presidential Material: John McCain), PJ Holden (Fearless, 2000AD) Nick Roche (Transformers, Doctor Who), Will Sliney (Farscape), Bob Byrne (Mr. Amperduke, 2000AD) and Declan Shalvey (Frankenstein, Hero Killers)







Circa 1929 (Revere Beach, MA). Link & blockquote via's Lions & Ladies (See also Honey Badger: The Most Fearless Animal on Earth & Honey Badgers, Ladies, & Motor Drome Riding...
My name is Sam. I ride a 1931 101 Indian Scout motocycle on the side of a 90 degrees (straight up & down) wooden barrel board wall. It is the sport of motor drome riding, more commonly known as the "Thrillarena" or "Wall of Death". I have been a drome rider for most of my life and have had the priviledge of riding 11 different dromes...2 of which were in Europe - 1 for the Varanne Family (from France) on a German Drome (Pitt’s Todeswand), and the other their Drome in France! Presently I ride for Jay Lightnin’& the American Motor Drome. Herein you will experience the rich history of motor drome riding, told both in pictures and stories. Included are walls, riders and sites from around the world! This site is dedicated to the memory of my mentor and savior, Sonny Pelaquin, who took me off the street, taught me to ride and to laugh... and gave me my wonderful life- high on the wall! (“There can never be too many motor dromes!” - Sonny Pelaquin)



You'll never have to whisper "did I miss anything?" again. Stadiums have caught on to the never miss a moment movement, so why not extend this courtesy to movie goers? Channels can switch between movies currently playing and sound is at fixed level so every set can be heard at proximity. How about it?



After being up for over a year, 1 Baby 1 Tub was removed by YouTube/Google, sighting inappropriate content. Theresa seems to think it's the title that raised a brow. I think it's because you see an anaconda sized shit slide outta my 8-month-old daughter's ass 2/3 of the way in. Either way it doesn't matter because the decision was ultimately Google's. But it would have been nice if...

a) I had been notified.

b) I was able to retrieve a copy of the video.

c) I was simply told why without having to slog through the user agreement (which I never did...for the principle of it of course).

d) We weren't talking about a video that been live for over a year averaging a handful of hits an hour.

You guys suck.



Was hoping for something a bit racier. Link via Blockquote via Monster-Munch...
I had to look at a couple of these before i realised what was going on. And then when i did, i realised there was a genius at work. When Cookie clapped eyes on them he said ... "If spammers hired people to make their spam look like that. Then i'd quite happily subscribe to it!". Do you hear that spammers? It's not the content we object to, it's the graphic design :) I'm pretty sure that this is the only spam on planet earth that you wouldn’t mind having framed on your wall.



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