 The Roost | Wiffle Ball Stats


Via Stuff White People Like...
Because white tastes in shoes can change so quickly, it’s not recommended that you ever talk to a white person about shoes. Over the years they have embraced (and eventually disowned) Uggs, Birkenstocks, Earth Shoes, and most recently Crocs. If it’s popular, the chances are that the clock is ticking down to it’s imminent doom. One mention of your affinity for selected footwear could undo all of your hard work.

There is, however, one exception: New Balance running shoes. All white people own a pair! Seriously, next time you are at a casual party where guests are encouraged to take off their shoes take a look by the door at the veritable rainbow of New Balance sneakers.







Mike Leonard, author & Today Show contributing correspondent, shares a mutual obsession with wiffleball. Blockquote via Camp Jinx...
Doc Schwartz wasn't available so I had to go it alone, a do-it-yourself psychiatry session that ultimately failed to exorcize the wiffle ball demon that had wormed his way into my soul.









Feel the awesome! Muxtape is a new online service that allows you to upload Mp3s that can be streamed via the interweb to all your groovy friends! And for more information how making a mix tape can change you life, see also How to Make the Perfect Mix Tape...

Upddate 9/26/08: Muxtape Is Dead - Favtape Emerges as a Great Alternative





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PSDTUTS is a blog/photoshop site made to house and showcase some of the best Photoshop tutorials around. We publish tutorials that not only produce great graphics and effects, but explain in a friendly, approachable manner.

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