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Not Photoshopped. Link via



...for a rainy day. Link & blockquote via Noupe...
Web applications have made huge leaps and bounds in improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed Ajax technology. When you combine some neat functionality courtesy of PHP with the cleverness of javascript you can produce some pretty cool results. In an effort to help you take it up a notch, we’d like to share some methods for helping your site anticipate a user’s next move.





Sound bite I captured from last night's Weird Creatures w/ Nick Baker, who came to this revelation while handling a pink, mummified armadillo a local Argentinian farmer had preserved...



In my professional opinion, it would have been a 30 sec Photoshop job at best. But pretty freakin' cool if not. Link & bloquote via
So now we know what's at the end of the rainbow - and it's not a pot of gold. Instead it meets the northbound carriageway of the Highway 241 toll road in Orange County, California. And according to witnesses it was travelling at just over 30mph. This amazing picture was snapped last Sunday, following a storm on the west coast of the US, by amateur photographer Jason Erdkamp's iPhone. According to myth there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, perhaps hidden by leprechauns. But Jason, from the Los Angeles suburb of Lake Forest, said: "There was no pot of gold, but I did win $25 that night on a lottery ticket."



Clickto enlarge...





I bookmark Christoph Niemann's blog...
During the cold and dark Berlin winter days, I spend a lot of time with my boys in their room. And as I look at the toys scattered on the floor, my mind inevitably wanders back to New York.



Reminded me of the news clippings Uncle John use to send us in the mail. Link via
[Photographed by] an urban explorer who gets thrills rummaging through and photographing the ruins of Detroit. It turns out that this explorer last week was playing hockey with a group of other explorers on the frozen waters that had collected in the basement of the building. None of the men called the police, the explorer said. They, in fact, continued their hockey game.



Blockquote via Susan Moock (the older sister of a Jimmy Moock—culdsac friend I once through gravel at while waiting at the bus stop. Other fond memories include crashing through his mom's garage ceiling/attic floor Lee Majors style & channeling the force to hack through her hydrangea bushes). Link via TMZ...
I was her neighbor in Yardley Hunt, Yardley Pa. We used to play together as kids and so remember the whole auditioning process. Her mom would give us updates before she got the role, what a blast from the past! I often wondered what became of her! Glad to see she is still in the business!
Posted at 5:54PM on January 28th 2009 by Susan Moock Cooney

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